Here's one of the two shopping corridors in the Public
Market. They are arranged in an L shape. If you look up to the right
you'll see the balcony in the next picture. |
This is a balcony with tables and chairs overlooking the
shopping floor. To the left of the balcony are elevators and a banquet
room. They host private events in this area. |
Here's the revered Maine Moose, this time constructed from
twigs. He overlooks the shopping floor from his private balcony over the
main entrance where the shopping corridors meet. |
This is the shorter shopping corridor as viewed from the
balcony. To get a more interesting look at the shops, go to the Public
Market's Virtual
Tour page and take the IPIX 360 degree interactive tour at the bottom
of the page. |
That's Susan buying us ice cream at the Smiling Hill Farm
Dairy & Market. It's strange how the further north you go, the better
the ice cream is. Ben & Jerry's is from Vermont, you know. |
Check out the size of those Maine Salmon. If there were a
tall club for fish, they would be eligible! Portland Harbor is part of
Casco Bay. |
The Bayley Hill Elk & Deer Farm retail outlet. Don't
forget that we're in the North Country. This is home to those creatures. |
Want some elk top round or some venison rib eye? Here's the
place to get it. |
The Maine Beer & Beverage Company, featuring beers
"from Maine and Away." A "case o' Maine" is $27.50. |